Saturday, January 17, 2009

Quit Smoking Laser Acupuncture

Can quit smoking laser acupuncture help you get rid of your habit? Yes, Laser therapy will help you quit, it won’t make you quit. The decision has to come from you. Like most smokers you probably have already tried to
quit smoking before without success. Why didn’t you succeed? The cravings pulled you back into self destruction. Imagine, if you could just make those cravings fade away. It’s possible. A well oriented quit smoking cold laser treatment can reduce substantially many of the withdrawal symptoms. You can do it yourself with a low intensity laser pointer, not a burning type. Just biostimulate the right body and ear acupuncture points using the proper type of laser pointer for the right amount of time and bingo you start feeling relaxed and your cravings fade away. Adjust your choice of points to your own needs making your quit smoking experience easier.

You are probably asking to yourself: why use a quit smoking laser pointer and not a therapeutic laser? Both will do the job, the proper laser pointer will cost less than $80 and a therapeutic laser will often cost you above $1500.

Back in 1988, when I fist started to help people quit smoking, I used a helium-neon laser with only 6mW of power. This machine cost me over $5000. These days you can buy a laser pointer with much more power for just a few bills.

A laser beam is a laser beam. A red laser is a red laser and a green laser is a green laser. If you have a laser pointer with the same power output as a therapeutic low level laser, you get the same amount of Joules out of the two lasers. The first is not intended for therapeutic use, the other is. You can treat yourself safely and effectively with a laser pointer that has the proper power and type of beam. For obvious safety reasons, never direct the laser beam into the eyes. It is best to buy special laser safety goggles. If you give treatments to others, have a look at your country’s laws to see if this is possible with a non therapeutic device.

*This article has been published at Laser Therapy Health Solution. More info visit Laser Therapy Health Solution.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


1. The therapy is based on the ancient method of Chinese acupuncture, but instead of needle, a cool light laser is used to make you stop smoking.

2. The process is very simple. A trained therapist directs the laser to some points of your body. Your skin then absorbed the beam into your skin and your cells which in turn cause endorphins to be released that block out your addiction for nicotine.

3. This therapy did not give major side effect to you.

4. One session of quit smoking laser therapy only lasting around 30 minutes.

5. Most quit smoking laser therapy programs also offer counseling to help you deal with mental aspects of your smoking addiction.

6. Do not afraid to ask questions of the provider if you make choice to join quit smoking laser therapy program.

7. Choose a program that you feel most suitable for you.

8. If possible, ask the provider if you can speak with people who have undergone treatment.

9. Pick a program that will offer you ongoing support. Maybe via email, support groups or forums as you overcome your mental part of smoking addiction.

10. Studies show there are 85-90% success rate for with patient treated by quit smoking laser treatment.

11. Although quit smoking laser therapy is new in many country, it has been developed on Europe for over 40 years ago.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Dangers of cigars when you smoke it

For cigar aficionados, it is the best tasting thing on Earth. When cigar becomes an addiction, and generally it does, there could also be the spring of its negative effects. These effects may come as just simple bad breath but it could also be as big or malignant as cancer. Yes, this must really alarm you a little for having lung problems or any health problems for that matter would be a big blow to your life and it must be responded to as early as possible for it may even worsen.

This article is not here to plant dynamites in you but to remind you that you have to take care of your health, for your health is but very important and it has to be taken good care of for it would decide that big portion of how you live your life.

There are health problems that could be caused by cigar smoking:

* Oral cancer

- This sickness is of course would really affect you big time. This could lead you to the difficulty of eating. This disorder could also affect the mouth, throat, lips and also your tongue. These are necessary parts of your body and there are really effects that may affect you that bad.

* Esophageal Cancer

- Studies show that those smokers have really high risks of leaving their esophagus at its worst.

- There is this study that tells us how the gap is so big when it comes to the possibility of cancer in the esophagus for those who are smokers. As you increase the number of sticks that you are also increasing the risk of having these health disorders.

* Lung cancer

- This would be more possible especially if you inhale the cigar smoke more. It must be noted by cigar smokers that they must not inhale smoke for it would surely cause a lot of health disorders involving the lungs.

* Cancer of the pancreas or cancer of the bladder

- Both of these are also possibly going to be achieved if one smokes cigar a lot. The more you smoke, the more you push yourself to the health risks.

Smoking could really be soothing or relaxing especially when one is so stressed out but you have to see to it that you are cautious of how you smoke for it would lead to your own problems concerning health as well.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

How Quit Smoking Laser Therapy can help you?

1. The extra release of endorphins greatly diminishes the physical dependency and addiction to nicotine, it alleviates the negative withdrawal, cravings and stress normally associated with quitting smoking and generally leaves you feeling very calm and relaxed.

2. Just like smoking, when you inhale, the nicotine goes into your body. This will make you feel better for 20-30 minutes.

3. But the effect goes off quickly.

4. This makes you want to smoke another cigarette to raise the endorphin level in your body once again.

5. Laser therapy however releases these endorphins in your brain continuously for a long period time.

6. This is how the therapy can diminish your physical addiction.

7. The release of endorphins has been said to help in sleeping, support in stress reduction as well as giving you a common sense of well-being.

8. These feelings could last for up to nine months.

9. Your energy and circulation level increase as soon as you quit smoking making your exercise much enjoyable and easier.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Quit Smoking Laser Therapy video.

This is a video i found on YouTube. The video shows us some demonstration on the laser therapy to quit smoking.

Introduction on Quit Smoking Laser

Smoking is highly addictive, extremely costly over time, and offensive to many people. As time goes on more and more smokers are finding themselves ostracized by more and more people as a consequence of a habit that offends many in the society.
Lots of smokers are trying to give up smoking many times, with good reason, but lots of them did not succeed.

Nowadays there are many stop smoking therapies available. But as far as all of us aware, smoking is highly addictive and lots of people never succeed in kicking the addiction. Therefore, not all quit smoking therapy works for everybody.
The hunt for a quit smoking method that works for you is a one hard times. However many of the quit smoking remedies available are bounded by controversy, and this is true for quit smoking laser therapy.

People claims that quit smoking laser therapy did not work. People say it’s a waste of time and money to take quit smoking laser therapy to stop smoking.
So, I am here to tell you whether quit smoking therapy works or not. Is is truly a waste of time, money and energy, or is it the best quit smoking therapy available in earth. Here I will provide you with tips, article, advice, resources and fact where you can learn more about quit smoking laser therapy so you can make up your mind about whether or not it is a good method to quit smoking.

Stay tuned for more.
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